framer is a unix x11 program that is capable of containing other x11 programs. The purpose is to make it easier to align the managed programs. Its main use will be to manage terminals.
The CVS on SourceForge site is the most up-to-date source. Use the directions there to get the current snapshot.
I will create source releases from time to time. Hopefully there will be rpm and deb packages in a while.
Click here to go to framer's SourceForge project site.
- wxWindows (tested with 2.4)
- X (you probably have that)
- configurable keyboard shortcuts
- save/load window configurations
- respect windowsize hints (e.g. to avoid xterm's last line being cut-off)
- use autotools (any volunteers?), create rpm, deb packages
- set the focus correctly
- process signals of children (e.g. has it died?)
Similar/ Related projects:
- FvwmPartition (FvwmPartition is a FVWM2 module that allows the user to build a structure of panes in a fairly arbitrary manner)
- Ion (Ion is a tiling tabbed window manager designed with keyboard users in mind.)
- Multi Gnome Terminal
Technical stuff: